my truck
my truck this is what i got no pics but tell me what you think of it
for starters when i got it it had an 88 olds in it so i put an 81 gmc 350 back in to it
i got mostly new stuff want to get a better carb and cooling system
altenator needs new one
i put better headers on
i got new mufflers cheep ones then i am now getting glasspacks for it i got only the left side done for it the right i will get soon
the truck is an 81 gmc mostly stock looking from the outside
getting a new paint job all around rust that its got not really a lot get that taken away and painted
lowering it 2 inch maybe 3 not sure
getting 22 or 20 not really sure found nice 20s thou in rimes
then i am getting the paint yellow all on the out side but the bumpers and the grill and mirros that is all chrome
engine done all in chrome and blue
inside dash and everythign that is storck color floor and head panel will be metilc blue seats will be bech seating two tone blue black leather
custom built boxes for my speacker i will have one 10 in. sub 4 6 by 9s then 2 tweeters jsut in the back a 6 in maybe in each door and an amp under the set all done in pioneer equiment
neon lighting will be done to it under ground and all
for the truck bed i am going to have a 13 in t with a dvd ps2 stero in the back with a topper to lift up on lifters making it to a travel bee
more to me add there is no limit to what i man can do but all ways remeber
its not what you buy but what you build that counts
any boy can buy a truck and drive it but only a man can build it and work it
sorry for all the missed spelled worrds and the typoes and no punchuation i am bbad at that .
let me knwo what you think that i have and what my plans are to it are

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00 Chevy Silverado 1500
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