Thread: 55.2-59 4 link decision
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Old 11-06-2021, 03:53 PM   #15
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Re: 4 link decision

if possible keep your leafs in place to locate the axle when assembling your new 4 link. you could even take most of the leafs out so it sits lower while doing this. just a thought. or you could weld a temp bracket between the frame and the axle where it would be out of the way, that way your ride height chosen couldn't move and neither could the axle centreline. I have done the latter before. if you lower it too much you will need a C notch. 3" above axle at ride height would be the minimum and even then you may need dental work after some speed bumps. consider installing one of those bee's nest suspension snubbers found on newer vehicles to help with that. my avalanche had those and the snubber was only about 1 1/2" from touching whe at ride height, it makes bottoming out easier on the teeth and spine. these bolt on up through their centre
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