Not sure if it has a crossover pipe or not.
If I run a new return line and split it to go to both tanks at once, won't I have to switch from one tank to another more often and eventually wouldn't the one I'm not using overflow pretty quick. I usually use the same tank for months and then switch to the other one just to keep the gas somewhat fresh.
Does anyone else think the factory line doesn't run through the switch valve like 'Captkaos' stated in his last post? I would think it would have to in order to be redirected back to the tank it came from.
If I decide to install new electric pumps I was going to mount them under the hood somewhere, should I mount them under the truck on the frame rail somewhere instead?
Also, how would I wire them in to the tank select switch on the dash so that it would switch one pump on and the other one off automatically depending on where I set the switch( LEFT or RIGHT). Or would I have to mount like two toggle switches or something for them?
Would I still need to use the switch valve?
How is the factory intank pump set up? Does a pickup line run in to the top of the tank and hang down to the bottom with the pump stuck on the end of it, so that all I would have to do is remove the pump from the end of the line, or what? Or would I have to rig up a new line somehow because removing the pump would make the line already there unusable by the way it is designed.
Sorry for all the questions guys!!! Just want to make sure what my best option is before buying new parts or making repairs.
OH WAIT!, one more while I'm at it. LOL!!!
By the way, does anyone happen to know if the factory installed tuning springs and stuff are correct for the 454 or do I need to buy that tuning kit with additional springs and stuff to set it up correctly? Has anyone else used an Edelbrock 750 CFM Performer carb. on a 454, and if so, what, if any tuning modifications were required?