Thread: 55.2-59 Door hinge help
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Old 11-24-2021, 05:36 PM   #8
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Re: Door hinge help

Originally Posted by dsraven View Post
tehinges need to be bolted to the front of the hnge pillar but it really doesn't matter if you have a caged nut there or not, a regular bolt and nut with appropriate washers will work as well. since the doors should be adjusted to the cab with the fenders off, to ensure they fit the cab opening, and the fender edge isn't messing with your head on how you could possibly cheat it here or there, the space where the fastener is located on the front side of the hinge pillar will be easily accessible for a wrench etc. if you are gonna cheat it and leave the fenders on then you may still be able to get a wrench on the nut from inside the fender. or you could get some 3/8 fine thread floating cage nuts and weld them on so they are centered on the cab hole.
Thank you. So my front fenders are currently off. So I will try to do the doors 1st then. Welding a nut sounds good but I'll check with dad.
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