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Old 11-25-2021, 11:27 AM   #1
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Door gap & shim help

As I've posted before my old girl went without the top and both doors for a long, long time. So far, I've gotten really lucky with the top and the drivers door. However, I think I could do a little fine-tuning on the passenger door..., along the rear of the door the gap is tighter at the top and opens the lower you go. The front of the door is pretty close. From reading other posts and looking at the diagram from the assembly manual, shimming at body mount #2 (b-pillar) affects the rear door gap correct? As a rule of thumb, does adding shims open the gap? Presently there are no shims at mount #2, and there are two shims at mount #1 (a-pillar through floor pan). I should point out that I have already replaced all the body mounts before I started. What do you think? Here are some photos, thanks so much!
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