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Old 07-22-2004, 09:05 AM   #7
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As with all Blazers and what are now called SUV's, there is a low pressure zone created by the flat back of the truck. Nod only does this cause drag and bad gas mileage, it forces air into the truck. I'm sure everyone has noticed how incredibly dirty the tailgate and hatch get. If they don't seal well, exhaust and road gime (especially in the rain) are drawn inside. If I left the rear window down in my old '79 in the rain, The inside of the windshield would get wet!

A good remedy is a spoiler. A lot of Suburbans and station wagons have them to duct air down the back window to help keep them clean. Routing your exhaust out the side or even angled out the rear corners is another way to reduce or eliminate this.
'72 K5, known as 'the Fox.'
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