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Old 11-30-2021, 03:37 PM   #8
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Re: Volts Are Up, Oil Pressure is Down

It appears that the wires are going to the correct places. Two things stand out to me:

1) The short red wire going from the big terminal on the back of the alternator to the #2 pin on the alternator connector isn't usually how I've seen people wire that connection. Usually they run a wire from the original red wire on the four-pin external voltage regulator connector to the alternator #2 pin. Either way, you've got 12V connected to #2, so it's probably ok.

2) What do you suppose is inside the shrink wrap on the wire that goes to the alternator #1 pin? I believe you've got a 12SI alternator, in which case the brown wire from the external voltage regulator connector should connect straight to the alternator #1 pin. There doesn't need to be a resistor or anything in that wire. The stock under-dash harness already has a high-resistance wire that's feeding the brown wire.
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