Re: Disc brake conversions 1972 k10
I don’t have any 1/2 ton experience but I used the all the parts, e brake and all from a late model AAM 10.5” 14 bolt to convert the corporate 10.5” 14 bolt going under my K20. It is not direct bolt on. It required custom make backing plate mounts and welding but the end result is a setup that uses readily available off the shelf parts with a proven OE Ebrake setup. The ebrake is the biggest draw back to the aftermarket kits. The eldorado calipers they use really don’t work very well. I’ve seen people use the 1/2 ton AAM setup on the old 10-12 bolts but I haven’t done it first hand, these can be done with junkyard parts in most cases. My stuff all came off a used axle. Obviously pads and maybe rotors you’ll probably want to replace but both my calipers were still good. I’m sure it’s probably a little easier than my swap because you don’t have to deal with the hubs that the 14 bolt has. In short OE is the only way I would go as far a disk brake swaps go. PM me if you have any questions I can help you with.
One other place that disks do out perform is heat dissipation, they don’t fade as much when they get hot.