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Old 12-31-2021, 12:25 PM   #34
The Older Generation

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Re: progression ignition

Originally Posted by Grumpy old man View Post
What do these things cost ?

They want you to return it for servicing "if" it goes bad ? That's not something I want to hear on a road trip

I tried to look it up and their website doesn't work , That's not very reassuring. Being an old school guy I think I'll stick with the basic HEI system that's been used for the last 48 years , This just seems like an expensive techie type thing , Loose your phone and your done ?

Web site works fine for me with the link in the first post. On the home page scroll down and click on the Chevy box. It shows all of the Chevy styles available and the prices.

What do you do with any newer car if it quits running on the road? Either call a buddy if you are close enough, have him come and get you, take the trailer back and haul it home or call a tow truck. Not a big deal....


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