Thread: Windshield
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Old 01-03-2022, 03:06 AM   #11
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Re: Windshield

My old cab has perfect glass and my new cab has cracked glass and every local guy says they won't touch it "guaranteed"; they'll touch it with no guarantees...
I am tall and my seat has my head almost at the roof(but I like my seating position and have no plans of seat changes...), am afraid of going through installation of the shaded band type and regretting it.

This part of the build is coming soon and has me worried quite a bit. I am genuinely considering running the new cabs original cracked windshield for the time being if 1) it doesn't leak, and 2) just to wait it out till I find the right old timer I can trust. All the local glass shops won't touch it because if you look in the back of their shop, every bonehead they have working for them is 21years old.
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