Re: Working Man's Burbon
So many options thanks everyone.
I got a new mirror from NAPA and from the back side construction it looks less likely to vibrate. Lots more stiffening.
And freezing water was the culprit for the old one. Once I had it removed I shook it and discovered it is at least half full of water. $35 versus $13.
The new one and the old one with water inside weigh almost the same. It is a more expensive mirror but if the vibration goes away it will be worth it.
The new mirror has a 5/16 fine thread bolt so I had to drill the mount.
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie and everyone else at Superior Performance for all their great help. 
RIP Bob Parks.
1967 Burban (the WMB),1988 S10 Blazer (the Stink10 II),1969 GTO (the Goat), 1970 Javelin, 1952 F2 Ford OHC six 4X4, 29 Model A, 72 Firebird (the DBP Bird). 85 Alfa Romeo
If it breaks I didn't want it in the first place
The WMB repair thread