Originally Posted by yuccales
You got it. Gas this month is $6.30 an MCF, best it’s been in close to 10 years. We are running harder right now than we have in a long time trying to sell as much as we can. It’s nice when time are good, I’m fortunate enough to be with a smaller company probably a lot Cameron in PA that doesn’t lay off when times aren’t good.
Mike Rowe is an awesome guy, I used to love watching dirty jobs. He paints a really great picture of what the real working men and women who Make America Great really are. That was a great watch. I’ve got the fox nation subscription, I’ll check that one out in its entirety tomorrow.
I had to laugh when he said that there’s a lot of bleeps in the oilfield

that’s a pretty big understatement. I love every minute of it. Oil and gas isn’t for everyone that’s for sure. I can’t imagine doing anything else.