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Old 01-11-2022, 02:22 PM   #21
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Re: Best compound for original paint?

Originally Posted by sscooter View Post
This is how she turned out in the end...

I spent 4 years as a detailer just out of highschool for both Chevrolet and Porsche. I've got a lot of time behind a buffer and trying out different brands of chemicals.

My process is 3M Perfect-It line of products finished off with Jescar Powerlock and Collonite Insulator wax as the final step.

This particular truck took a LOT OF BUFFING to get the primer to shine, and HOLD the shine. This also meant that there is some bare steel now showing.

If I had a dollar for everyone that asks what kind of Clear Coat I used for that "Patina", I'd be a rich man... I was even called a liar for telling a guy that it was just buffed/waxed...

A coat of Jescar and Collonite keeps the flash-rust at bay on edges and thin spots.

I think that your Blazer would look AMAZING all shined up....
Your truck looks great. I'm hoping for good results. I think the body might be better simply because the paint doesn't appear to be as dirty. Before doing anything to the hood, I spent a few hours just cleaning it. It was very dirty and stained, but that's gone. As I mentioned before, I know what's capable because the few spots that were wet sanded to smooth the edges where it had chipped looks as shiny as your pictures. I started with a foam pad on rotary with the Meguiars I pictured in the first post. I don't think this really took much if any off. I guess I'll go with a little more cut next, just not sure what to use.
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