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Old 01-17-2022, 05:37 PM   #13
Too Slow '90
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Re: Boyds Tank Problems in a '60 SWB

Originally Posted by forestb View Post
The tanks are wider but the cross sills are in the same location. Can you move it forwards so that the cross sill goes across the center of the tank? I know when I installed mine on my 62 that is what I did but that then caused issues with bolting it to the frame because if you move it too far forward the frame is boxed where you need to bolt it. I had to get creative with the bracket that is supposed to go inside the frame. I think I had to chop it up and put part of it inside the boxed section.
It will only move forward 2-1/2"- 3" without modifying the mounting angles. At that location several of the accessory ports will be under the bed support. How did your filler work out? It looks like I am going to have mine modified to work. If I had known it was not engineered properly I would have used one of the other suggestions on the forum. It's a nice looking tank but that may be where it ends.
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