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Old 07-24-2004, 01:52 AM   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Paris,Texas
Posts: 35
Grim Reaper, I must add some more fuel to the fire. There is a 1971 CK Blazer here in the local paper for sale, the ad does not specify if it is a 2WD or 4WD but I thougth it might be worth checking in to. It is listed in an ad with four other vehicles prices ranging from $100-$4500, so I am not sure of the price on the Blazer. The ph number is 901-353-4261, or you can go to the ad click on Classifieds>Autos and Transportation> SEARCH Results for Blazer and it should come up. Hope this doesn't raise your blood pressure too high, it is a local Memphis, TN #. Later, Beavis.
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