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Old 01-22-2022, 07:57 PM   #1
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1985 C30 Brake line

I am static dropping my 85 c30. I currently have my 78 c30 taken apart so I am swapping the front end parts over to my 85.

I bought new rubber brake lines that go from the frame to the caliper. The 78 banjo fitting has a shoulder that faces away from the caliper. The shoulder faces up towards the hood. With the banjo oriented like that, the metal bend at the banjo routes the line down to clear the nut on the upper ball joint. This makes sense.

The new lines I have from ac delco, in the same orientation as stated above will have the hard line portion pointed up and hits the spindle/control arm. I cant even get it close enough to get the bolt in it.

The new line matches the old line, but i cannot for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong.
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