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Old 01-23-2022, 02:16 AM   #8
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Re: Reputable Speedometer Repair Shop?

Originally Posted by dieseldawg142 View Post
i've had a speedo and tach repaired here. also bought a replacement cluster for the wifes truck here
US Speedo
I'd avoid searching for this one via Google images, haha.

I'll be interested to hear how it goes - who you select and how they do. I'm going to have to take apart my OBS cluster - since the trip odometer just quit on the last road trip.

This seems like a good place to ask a question. After the trip odometer stopped working, I thought that I may have been a contributor to the problem by resetting it while under way. Somehow it seems like the gear shouldn't be moving when you push the reset button. Any thoughts on this? I don't mean to hijack, but I figured that the original topic was pretty well covered.
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