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Old 01-24-2022, 04:23 AM   #381
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Re: Project "Bickle" 1948 1/2 ton 4.3 4l60e

soooooo. lots of stuff.

my friend larry, he helped deliver the blue truck to the buyer, really he was down for whatever whenever, i cant count how many places we have been together usually on a moments notice. a post or two back I started putting in his hydroboost and steering column. larry was supposed to come at least give moral support if not some company. I texted him throughout the day, he was busy setting up his christmas village so I didnt bug him a lot. but then I didnt hear from him for a few days.

his wife texted, he had a small stroke, and so the next couple days were hospital visits. part of the reason larry could just drop and go with me whenevr is because a few years ago he had thyroid cancer, and after chemo and taking out part of his tongue and all of his thyroid. he was scared to death that his cancer had come back.

in that time I got the bug going around and even though my case was mild, we stayed in touch via phone and text, I tried to keep his spirits up but I still wasnt allowed in the hospital without a negative test (which didnt happen till last sunday). his PET test was on fire, all through his chest, they put in a drain and sent him home. he lost strength, and died two weeks ago tuesday.

so here is my shout out to my homie larry, down for whatever, damn good friend. I miss him, but at least he is done fighting.

the aforementioned sickness has subsided, I had a relatively easy time of it, not perfect but it has kept me out of the loop a while.

We got the contract on the new place so I can talk about it a bit. its a lot over on the street we have our rentals and my storage. it was sealed auction and needed city approval. We bid up on it because the street/neighborhood is all septic, the whooole thing, except a small length of the connecting street. and this new place.

so instead of a 15k septic system, we will pay a $115 connection fee and some pipe. my wife thought I was nuts, until I showed her the sewer line. and there are other benefits too, the property is 1.5 acre but you can see there is an extra 0.2 acres designated for a past or future street. I cant build on it, and i have to mow it, but its still nice. on the other side of it is a nice duck pond with a photo bridge!

plan is a building with an interior living space so we can turn our current place into a rental, and an eventual house.

I have been catching up on work in the shop too. I cut a metric ton of parts for local shops and guys are getting the word out on my laser cut mounts so I have been shipping them all over. I designed some engine setback plates for the s10 chassis, its the most popular ask.

I got a call from wayne, wayne sold me about 7 trucks and I turned 5 into real running... not hot rods, more of resurrections, and he remembered. getting into his 90s now he decided to turn one of his last projects over to me, I drove down today to look at it.

so thats where I am. still sleeping in late most days, an after effect of he who we do not speak his name. every day is better. I miss my homie though.
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the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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