I've been checking out threads on hood locks, and there are a few discussions that touch on the subject, but I'd like to hear some more ideas.
When my son heads proudly for the high school parking lot and parks his '69 next to all the new rides that some parents buy their kids these days, his will be one of the few vehicles in the lot that lets you open the hood from the outside, and therefore a target for mischevious kids or thieves.
I've got some reservations about interior cables, in terms of making it reliable and economical, but I'm open to ideas or suggestions.
I'm really curious to see if anyone has found a good way to use a good old padlock to make under-hood access more difficult, and perhaps not worth the time to defeat for a would-be troublemaker. There must be a way to do it that doesn't leave chain hanging everywhere or make you crawl under the truck to unlock it.