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Old 07-25-2004, 09:11 AM   #10
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I have switched 3 customers trucks from leaf to coil lately and if you really want to switch i'll set you up with all the parts you need hangers,crossmembers frame plates and 1 month old springs and factory rivets for about 100.00 + shipping and will throw in the indexing specification sheets for leaf spring 1/2 ton 67-72 trucks. But in all honesty you will not like the ride or handling. Drag racers and NASCAR are running these trailing arm/coil setups with only spring,shock and panhard bar changes. 3 or so years ago Home Depot had the Dewalt race car here in Bradenton on display and I asked if I could peek underneath the cars rear end and guess what? I measured the trailing arm on it and on my truck and found a 1/4 inch difference in length overall due to a concentric front bushing used to set the tracking, He said no way and called back to the chassie shop and they told him it was a chevy truck design taken from an earlier year truck. I got a 100.00 gift certificate from Dewalt and he kept muttering to himself.
Rest in Peace Ed. Thanks for all the good times.
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