Sweet! In that small cab that little guy will do a great job of balancing out the sound.
Yep. I believe in a properly tuned system. Size doesn't matter.
how was the restomod parts/kit? that's what i've been looking to use
I pieced it together over several years. I did not buy their kit. The only thing from Restomod is the Vapir2 unit and the stealth controls. Since I bought parts a few years apart, there were missing wiring harnesses. They were great and worked with me to get the right harnesses. I did not buy dash vents yet, the hoses are just hanging under the dash. A/C pump is a Sanden from Holley. Hoses/fittings are aeroquip ez-clip. Highly recommend!
Looks great. Ya gotta have tunes...
I like the carpet you chose. It has a nice color/pattern.
Thank you. I gotta 'fess up on the carpet... I really, really wanted german square weave, honey brown:
But, I wasn't ready to spend $140/yard.

I found this at Lowe's 6'x'12' for $18! I don't know how I'm going to finish the edges. This was more or less a cheap shot to temporarily throw something on the floor.
I sure love this truck. Everything is so shiny, makes me feel like I'm assembling garbage in my garage. lol
I know exactly what you mean!!
Let's just call this a "shiny" 10 - footer.
Thanks for all the comments. It is encouraging to keep going and get'er done. After 8 years, I've had enough. I just want to get this thing mostly done. (It will never be finished)
I promised wifey that this would be the year we will take it out for dinner on her Birthday. That's less than 2 months away!