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Old 07-25-2004, 07:00 PM   #6
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Wichita Falls, TX
Posts: 71
I have been tinkering with the truck this past week. It starts one day perfectly fine, but not at all the next day. I have adjusted the ignition switch at the base of the column to no ends. I couldn't get it any better. Now when the lock cylinder is turned, the linkage does not move at the base of the column. I must have knocked something loose. I have the column ripped apart right now. Still confused as crap. Probably gonna end up paying somebody 125 to rebuild the column. The guy says he rebuilds columns on the side. Anyway, sorry I took so long to update this. Been kinda busy with work.

1986 Silverado with some things upgraded.

Currently living in Arlington, TX going to school.
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