Re: 55+ vibration - Help
FWIU ideal for two piece is your front shaft should match the trans angle within 1 degree to keep u-joint working angle at trans almost non-existant. Middle u-joint after carrier and pinion u-joint should have same working angle within 1 degree. The angles should match to cancel out. Have no idea what your trans angle is. The working angles are what matter not the trans, driveshaft and pinion. Those angles just determine the working angles.
Maybe I am totally off here, but as I see it three different angles will most likely cause a vibration. One operating angle needs to be 1 degree or less and the other two need to be within 1 degree. You have two angles that are close and one at almost 4 degrees.
Last edited by Richard; 02-21-2022 at 05:20 AM.