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Old 02-21-2022, 10:43 PM   #794
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Re: Post Your Straight Six Pics!

Cool. I converted my '68 to a '72-style throttle cable too. My choke cable is forward, and the throttle lever is aft. That way the air/fuel mixture screws point to the drivers fender -- easy to work on.

The old bellcrank linkage to my old Holley 390 CFM was too clunky. It could bind, drop out parts, and once even froze up with rime ice at high RPM driving home in the mountains from a ski trip. I had to use the clutch rather judiciously and shut off the ignition when I got to a burger stand for a break. After half an hour at the warmer temps at the lower altitude, the carb-ice broke off.

I ran the Holley for 25 years until right after the 500-mile break-in on the current 292, and the Holley went out on a backfire. It would not let itself be set up again, even after a fresh power valve. Manifold leakage due to a warped carb base was suspected. Rather than repair a 25 year old carb with a new base plate, it was cheaper to get a new Edelbrock.

The Performer Series are clones of the old Carter AFB [Aluminum Four Barrel] carbs. The Thunderor Series are copies of the old Carter AVS [Aluminum Vacuum Secondary], except that the Carter AVS had three step metering rods and cupped jets. That allowed an intermediate power stage to be set up -- like for towing. Edelbrock changed out their AVS for a two stage Rod and Jet system, same as on the AFB.

I found an abused, discarded AVS carb among some movie props, and bought parts for it, but the secondary stage is only some small spray nozzles, not the annular rings found in most big carbs. I have not tried it. The numbers show it was for a Big Block Mopar, once. Maybe it came off one of the many studio-trashed General Lees? No one will ever know.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 02-21-2022 at 11:33 PM.
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