Originally Posted by Grumpy old man
That's his truck now and I'll bet there's a lot more than one ! it's been infested for so long already I don't think I would have even brought that home . They've probably been chewing on every wire and there's no doubt the dash is full of rat treasures , Give it a few days and you'll know if the rat poison worked on some of them it will really start smelling bad , The poison works by making them hemorrhage internally and they will seek out water . I'd tow that away from your house asap ! Buy a BIG snake ! 
I have had several offers to buy this truck. That is probably the easiest option. But I can't just flip it. I helped my uncle get this truck in 1988 and I have history with it. He wanted me to have it more or less on his deathbed. I have to get it running again and drive it before I sell it. Underhood the engine is not locked up, has water and oil. It's a 350. It will run again. Only wiring damage there is the headlight harness. I am prepared to change the wiring harness under the dash if necessary. It's a stripper truck so no options which should make it not too hard. It is definitely worth fixing, not a junker by any means. But I have to get rid of the giant rodent(s) without getting bitten and without it/them getting on top of the headliner to die and then clean it out/decontaminate first. How do I make it/them want to leave? Carbon Monoxide? Heat? Some kind of bug bomb? There is not much if any nesting material left. No seat. Nothing to eat except poison. I will probably tear up the yard and move it today, but that moves it away from both power and water.