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Old 02-24-2022, 02:22 AM   #7
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Re: Caswell Black Oxide Kit

I have used just a blacken kit. Seems the result varied wildly depending the type of steel and the surface finish. Most the bolts turned out excellent. Some of the mild steel items were what I would describe as a grayish green. Same solution same temp same day. I was very pleased with the results on the bolts.

The black bolts are just one easy step from raw steel and the finish didn't last long in the best of conditions.
Not unlike the asphalt based frame paint GM used. Cheap stuff that made them look good when new. We used to get large black iron pipe covered with the same paint at work. Typically we would lite at torch and just run it over the area we were going to cut. Could remove all the paint on the OD of a 12" pipe in seconds using that method.
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