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Old 07-26-2004, 02:27 PM   #9
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Gainesville, Fl
Posts: 382
O.k. here we go.... yes the cam "pushes" the pump rod up and down. BUT without turning over the engine the pump will go on!!!! follow these steps carefully
1. pull the rod out and make sure it is VERY clean, then put a good coat of bearing grease or vasaline on it.
2. replace the rod and make sure it seated fully on the cam. The grease or vasaline should hold the rod in place for now, if not use a thin hard tool to hold up onto the cam.
3. next place the fuel pump in position, it may seat all the way to the block, thats o.k. if it doesn't seat fully on the block try to start the bolts anyways. If all else fails get a longer bolt to start one side and begin pulling the pump to the block (BE careful not to go to far and break something) now start the other bolt(s)
4. after getting one original bolt in remove the long one and put all bolts in.
5. then tighten all bolts and connect lines and you are good to go
Man I need another 67-72!!!
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