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Old 03-02-2022, 02:16 PM   #41
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: Merritt Island, FL
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Re: Battery/amp gauge

OK, I went back & put the instrument custer back in and took some more measurements.

I thought that the wire masurement was a bit high. 5ft of 12AWG wire should be about 8mOhms per the tables. I pulled the contact out of the regulator harness side connector, cleaned it up and remeasured to 13mOhms. That included crimped connections, so a reasonable number.

The meaurement of the in-place ammeter circuit path was ~0.875 Ohms.
From the junction block to the same regulator contact as above.

the circuit simplified looks like:
Name:  Circuit.jpg
Views: 1870
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That drawing should say alternator out, not voltage regulator out, I think that is the equivalent of VR in sense.

Putting a low value resistor in series with the battery charging cable will slightly increase the voltage drop on across that segment & move the needle more significantly. The other way to look at it is, for a fixed current to/from the battery, increasing the resistance slightly in the 12AWG red charging wire path diverts a larger portion of that total fixed current through the parallel gauge path. Restrict flow in one of two paths of a river and what is needed simply goes to the other branch. The total flow won't decrease.

Last edited by IlludiumQ36; 03-30-2022 at 07:24 AM. Reason: formatting
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