Originally Posted by gottattooz
One problem at a time. You'll get there.
I'm borderline jealous of your build. I have my eye on a Shelby Daytona coupe kit from factory five racing. Until I can pull the trigger on it, I'll just have to live vicariously through your progress.
If you're a bigger guy like me, you might want to see if you can fit in it before pulling that trigger. They can be a tight squeeze. I know for sure I can't fit easily into their GT40 replica (the GTM). There was one on the showroom floor when I picked up my kit. I had thought about building one of them also until that moment. LOL
Originally Posted by mongocanfly
Build a hotrod, itll be fun they say.!
Very rewarding, for all parts manufacturers and retailers!
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
I'm very happy for you! I was stoked when you went to get it! I'm in to watch the build and in for some dang rides!  I also have longed for a Shelby since I was a wee lad. I still have my Exotic car cards and have duplicates of the blue Cobra because I just loved them. I remember reading a Popular Mechanics magazine in the early 90's talking about how Shelby had 90 or 100 bodies he never sold of the 67 bodies. They were building frames and selling the cars then. I don't remember the price but I wished I could get an original then and polish the body. Too bad I didn't even have a license at that time. Haha
Great work and part research. It is going to be so fun to drive. The last time we went to the Lake of the Ozarks I kept seeing this beautiful maroon and silver Cobra driving around. One day we drove by an ice cream shop so I whipped in and was checking it out. It had 427 badges on it and a cover over the passenger seat area. I said out loud to my son, "Aww man, too bad there's no passenger seat." I was joking but the owner was eating his sundae under an awning and piped up and said there sure is.  I spoke with him for a long while. It had true knock off wheels, a real 427 side oiler with dual quads, a shelby modified ford top loader 4 speed, and he took me for a ride. This was one of the 90s built bodied cars. It was a tight fit for my 6'2" self but I don't care. I'd be cramped to own and drive that thing.  They are just so iconic and the lines/curves are just so dang intoxicating IMO.
You're a step beyond my experience then. I've seen more than a few but haven't been on a ride. I met a guy recently to get the body buck to hold the body while I build the chassis that has completed his car. I'm sure he'd give me a ride once it warms up. His build is very similar to mine except the rear suspension. I think he ordered one of the better options, the 3 link or IRS. I'm just using the 4 link.
At least winter is finally coming to an end around here. Well not today. It's only getting into the teens today with below zero windchills. But 50ish by Sunday and most of next week. Maybe get the tractor running and start moving crap around so I can actually wrench on things.