Thread: 55.2-59 '59 4x4 Build
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Old 03-19-2022, 02:45 PM   #4
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Re: '59 4x4 Build

Was the truck ever running as the blazer 4x4 swap or are you the guy who will figure all that out?
I would say get the engine, trans, transfer case mocked up where you want it so you have clearance for oil pan, exhaust, steering column, rad and fan, floor etc. Then make motor mounts to keep it there, and then get your driveline angle figured out and block the trans at that angle, then fab up the transfer case Mount from scratch or modify something you have. The middle of the truck is the high center spot on a 4x4 so try to keep that high if you can. Lots of guys doing engine swaps in a 2wd need to cut the floor or firewall so you may need to consider this too, or a body lift. Then figure out the axle pinion angle to match what you have and install wedge axle mount shims as needed to get that right. if the driveshaft fits after, good but, if not look for another or have one made up or have yours modified or retubed. In my opinion it would be better to fit the shaft to the truck once you get the driveline right than build the truck to fit a certain driveshaft.
Not my truck so you build it how you like it, just some possibly useless info for you. Lol.
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