Thread: 55.2-59 '59 4x4 Build
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Old 03-20-2022, 10:33 AM   #12
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Re: '59 4x4 Build

just spitballing here on the cross member thing but, if you find the location you need, you could block the transfer case at that height and then use some flat plate bolted to the outside of the frame web on each side and hang it down to the height needed to bolt the original blazer cross member to. then bend it to be horizontal at that height so the cross member will bolt onto it. when done reinforce it with some flat bar welded to the edge of it below the truck frame height to simulate a C channel shape. make it longer, fore to aft, than the cross member is for added strength, sort of like a triangle that is upside down. you can use cardboard or poster board for a template just to mock things up and see if you like it first. I suppose you could do the same idea with a length of C channel bolted to the outside of the frame web but then you might as well just fab a new cross member from channel and/or square tube, it might look better.
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