Thread: 55.2-59 '59 4x4 Build
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Old 03-21-2022, 12:34 AM   #17
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Re: '59 4x4 Build

originally in these trucks there was a transmission cross member that went under the bellhousing and the bellhousing sat on rubber mounts that bolted directly to that cross member. I see yours has been cut out to accomodate the new driveline set up. something to think about is that the cross member held the frame rails at a given width where the cab mount brackets are. some guys have had problems when that cross member is removed and there is a long distance between the remaining cross members in that area. too much frame flex there can affect the cab mounts and cause the cab to crack and/or cause the body to fit poorly. door to fender contact and/or door misalignment usually. a lot of guys like to get the door to fender gaps narrow, these old trucks weren't built that way but will work that way if there is enough support to keep things from moving. with a 4x4 I would assume there will be more frame flex than a road driven low rider. just a thought for you to consider. for body alignment youtube check out "old man fixing stuff" 55 chevy truck build, going over fixing the gaps" or somethng like that
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