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Old 03-21-2022, 01:10 PM   #3
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Re: Power Disc Brake Master Cylinder Help

Originally Posted by MARKDTN View Post
I may be wrong, but I believe you can put a 71-72 C10 master cylinder on there. You need the power brake version.

As far as I know all proportioning valves for disc/drum will interchange. "PV2 proportioning valve" is a search term. Same prop valve is used on GM disc/drum trucks and cars for a long time. I would try to use the prop valve for the donor brakes if you have it.
Interesting.. I thought I had read that the pushrods were different lengths and not compatible. My original plan was to use 71-72 disk master/prop valve until I read that the stuff is different. Can anyone help to confirm?

Good point on the prop valve being common, I guess what I'd be looking to buy is a master/prop valve combo that will go straight to this booster (assuming the master is different; I have found plenty of MC/PV that are intended for c10's).

I don't have a donor, the brake components are all new CPP parts.
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