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Old 03-23-2022, 07:26 AM   #7
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Re: Power Disc Brake Master Cylinder Help

Originally Posted by Accelo View Post
The 1/2T booster is easy to come by.
My friend with a 72 3/4T had a heck of the time finding a replacement 3/4T booster when his failed. I am mentioning this as it is likely you could change from the 3/4T to the 1/2T and possible break even or even make a few $.
Good point - if I just sell this one and find a 1/2 ton I'm in the same spot. I had read the below link that made it seem feasible, but I don't really want to start a science project and have it be a pain to find replacement parts in the future.

Originally Posted by CantPutTheSmokeBack View Post
Yeah the rod from the back of the pedal is different between the two boosters. I have a C30 but I believe it was a chassis cab originally. It has the flatter C10 style booster, and when I went to install a new one I got the same one you have. The rod from the pedal is shorter. I believe you can actually get the rod on, but the brake pedal is on the floor by the time it's all said and done. No worky.
Thanks - I hadn't thought about the geometry on the back of the booster to the pedal, I'll measure to confirm but that is yet another reason to go with designated c10 parts..
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