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Old 03-23-2022, 05:35 PM   #1
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6L series trans column shift?

Ive done a few searches on this topic without a whole lot found.

Today I saw a swapped truck with a claimed ididit column and 6L trans. I tried getting answers out of the guy but he literally couldn't tell me anything about it. He was persistent its a 6l on a column and it worked flawlessly.

I called ididit last week and they said they do not have any product that supports 6L and up trans missions, no exceptions without a ton of work and they even said not worth it. They said the only way that could possibly happen would be with:
• Drastic modification to the column (drilling out linkage slides)
• Fabricating your own linkage system
• Even then the lever would be clear down to the floor with the needed range.
I don't have a lot of knowledge on this subject. My research seems to conclude people either do some sort of dial switch like the new trucks have OR have a console shift setup for the 6L series and up.

Does anyone on this forum have a column shift 6L setup? I am probably going to end up with a 6L to at least sell from the swap I pull from but I would like to know if its possible or not. I do not want a late model column in my truck, either period correct or something like the ididit style. I dont care about manual shift other than a non-overdrive selection for towing.

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