4 speed NSS question
I am replacing the engine wiring harness on my 4 X 4 four speed Blazer. I can see the reverse switch and wiring from under the Blazer and believe I can unplug the old harness and plug the new connector onto the switch without removing the transmission tunnel which I prefer not to do.
There feels like a wire clip fastened onto the transmission that those wires pass through. I can feel it but not see it. Is that clip a one-piece loop or something that I can bend enough to get the old wires out of and the new wires into? If I have to, I will just remove the wires from the bulkhead connector and pull them through and tie wrap the new wires to it until I remove the transmission tunnel someday.
Last edited by Thealien; 03-26-2022 at 09:16 PM.
Reason: I meant reverse not NSS