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Old 07-27-2004, 11:36 PM   #1
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6 hole aftermarket Toyota rims fit on '86 4x4?

A guy I work with has Rebel Wheels on a late 80s toyota. We tried fitting them on a '86 fullsize 4x4 silverado. Bolt holes lined up, the rear tire/rim bolt up just fine. But the fronts scraped, it appeared that the stick on wheel weights hit the caliper mount plate. Doesn't seem like they hit by much, but it was enough to not be able to turn it by hand. Anyone successfuly swapped rims from a Toyota to a chevy? Think if I remove the stick on wheel weights it will clear just fine?

Also, anyone heard of Rebel wheel? I tried a search for them on the net, didn't find a whole lot.
'75 Chevy 3/4 4x4, 6" suspension lift, 3" body lift, 3" lifted gas tanks, '83 cab, '88 clip, 35" cooper tires, American Racing Baja rims, 350, 700r4, 208.
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