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Old 04-05-2022, 12:17 AM   #2853
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Re: Random Photos ‘You took’

Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
One of my younger brothers had a dog that was part Aussie cattle dog and something else. It used to herd his wife around the house. His previous house backed up to some apartment buildings. A bunch of guys would hang out at the wall behind his property and drink next to the dumpsters. A guy climbed over the wall to take a dump in the vegetable garden, and my brother sent the dog out. Nobody got hurt, but nobody climbed over the wall to relieve themselves again, either.
Funny you mention a wall
A couple we RV with had a Queensland.

Two fine upstanding tax paying citizens were trying to evade the Police and ended up rolling the stolen vehicle they were in. One jumped the fence into my buddy's back yard, the police had to come and get him to get the dog off the guy.

My buddy said as they led him out in hand cuffs he was crying he was going to sue the Police for turning that dog loose on him. He said it looked like from all the blood someone had stabbed him in his face cheeks and forearms.

Police told him sorry buddy was not our dog, don't run from the Police, and wrong fence.

Dixie was her name and we still laugh about that.
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