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Old 04-09-2022, 04:16 AM   #1
Captain X
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Paint/Trim/Interior Options for 1967 Pickups

So I've been looking to do a restoration job on a 1967 Chevy C-20, but it's a very base model. I've seen a few other '67 Chevy pickups at auctions and online, and it seems to me that there are at least two different levels of trim offered. One is just the trim along the sides, which follows the crease around the wheel wells, and another adds a thin chrome piece the wraps around the back of the cab. The thing I've noticed about the ones with the cab trim is that they all have a white roof, at least that I've seen, anyway. I'm curious, did all of the pickups with the cab trim come with a white roof, or where there any that were just all one solid color?

I was also wondering what kind of interior options there were. I've seen on some that have a "Custom" badge on the doors, just under the window, that they have a nice padded door panel with an armrest. Does anyone happen to have a scan of an old brochure or something out of a book that showed the different options by chance?

Basically I'm looking to up-trim what I have, but I'd like to keep at least mostly accurate to what was originally available at the time.
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