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Old 04-11-2022, 08:43 AM   #12
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Posts: 11
Re: 1968 C10 disc brake conversion- MC question

Hey everyone, I grabbed a set of 2.5" drop spindles and the disc brake conversion kit from CPP. The previous owner heated the front springs and they are uneven so I'm replacing them with 2" drop springs. The brake hose that came with the conversion kit has a 7/16" inverted flare fitting and the OEM brake is a 3/8" inverted flare. The adapter is BR550 (reminds me of Hee-Haw if anyone gets that one. :-) I read the brake hose 88466 would be what would be needed since it is shorter and I found it has a 3/8" inverted flare fitting. Awesome, no adapter!! Got them installed last night after paying around $13 ea at Autozone. 88466 is 4" shorter than the hose that came with the kit and I had to file out the hose frame hole to fit and secure the fitting. I hope it is long enough, an inch or two longer would have made it just right.
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