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Old 07-29-2004, 10:29 AM   #10
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Posts: 24
Thanks guys. Dubie that's a fine looking project your wife has too! I'm going to run this truck just the way it is for a couple of years. May even leave it 6 volt for the time being....don't see any major reason not to at this point. Open to advice on this. Right now I'm in the truck rotation mode. Just finishing up putting fresh heads on my 67 at the moment. Soon as that is finished this week, she comes out and my daily driver 71 goes in for some body work. When 71 is done, I will start on the BB 454 I picked up a month ago. The fresh 350 currently in the 67 will probably end up in the 53. Would just like to get some nice rubber and wheels for the 53, then I will just safety it and see how the wife likes driving it. Going to be a busy year. Like I said in my first post, anyone with pics of some cool 8 bolt wheels - appreciate you sending them my way.
ps. why the heck don't my profile pic show up when I submit a post? It shows up if I go to my user window. Geez, I run a department full of computers - you'd think I would have a handle on this.
67 chevy LWB - The Toy, in progress
71 chevy LWB - My Daily Driver
53 chevy 3/4 Ton - Wife had to have it!
83 Harley FLHS - Will take to my grave
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