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Old 04-14-2022, 11:35 AM   #494
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Location: minneapolis, mn
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Re: faux-tina paint jobs

Here's my '66 Short-Fleet. Original paint Texas truck. Not faux-patina, but a representation of what a faux patina truck should be shooting for with the correct primer bases. (Black oxide for front clip and box, and red oxide for cab/doors)

We believe the truck was stored in a lean-to with the drivers' side facing that side of the truck is WAAAAY more sun-faded.

Photo of drivers' side before trying to shine it up (going to take some work!)

photo of passengers' side showing that there is still life left in old paint. Toughest part is the hood as it has "textured" rust. CLR and a 3M red-scuffy pad, followed by 2000 grit on a oscillating sander prior to buffing, and it puts a bit of shine back in it. Truck will get ceramic coated once finished. Does a good job of keeping the flash rust at bay, especially on bare/smooth steel.

I don't know what my problem is, but I'll take a truck that looks like this, over one that is "show floor".....
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