Here is a tip for you. Make a hole in the side of your cabinet. Hook up a 2-3 inch diameter hose to that hole and run it outside. Since you are putting air into the box, the air that is in there has no where to go so it will leak out cracks and make a cloud in your garage. By having a hose hooked up to it it will allow the air to escape and it will be easier to see inside of the cabinet. I used a shop vac hose and it works like day and night. Don't hook a shop vac up to it, I tried that and it doesnt work too well.
1969 Chevrolet Custom Camper 20 350/400 70k original miles
They have the Internet on Computers now? --Homer Simpson
Gee_Emm's Page
Help me get my truck on a soda bottle!!!!!
[This message has been edited by Gee_Emm (edited April 04, 2002).]