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Old 04-15-2022, 07:08 AM   #6
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Re: Removing Heater Control knobs?

Originally Posted by Accelo View Post
"Taking the cables out and soaking them, in oil, is the only 100% sure method to lube them." Then you still have 50 year old doors to work with.
I haven't had to resort to that radical of a repair. Been able to get them working using penetrating oil or speedometer cable lube.
If the cables are real stiff it's difficult to tell if it's the cable or door. Sometimes you will be able to disconnect them at the actuator to better identify which is the culprit. Don't bend the internal wire or you will have to replace them. They will never be the same.

The trucks without AIR are easier to deal with as the cables are a lot easier to access.
If your truck is very rusty consider replacing the cables. They are not very expensive.
Thanks for the insight.
They move but bind a little, and trying to get it to “work better”, I broke the knob
I think it’s a combination of 50 years of dust and grime build up.
I’m gonna tear it all apart and clean/lube it up.
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