For rust removal, I use Aluminum Oxide.
It's the Longest-lasting media for fast, effective rust removal.
Here is a list of other abrasives and their application.
Glass Bead/Works best on softer metals like aluminum, brass and die-cast.
Walnut Shells/Remove paint, carbon deposits from ferrous metal, clean internal parts.
Ground Glass Media Free 40/70 Mesh Non-hazardous silica substitute to use for light rust removal.
Silicon Carbide/Sharp edges for heavy rust removal, welding/brazing prep, glass etching.
Rust Remover Bicarb Soda w/ 10% 70 Grit Alum Oxide/Most aggressive soda for rust removal; 90% soda, 10% alum. oxide.
Now for the media issue not sliding back down, I found a kick drum pedal at a scrap yard one time it works great. You can leave you hands in the gloves and you don't have to knee the cabinet

I also have a small vibration motor on there.
The early bird gets the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese
84 Chevy K-20
63 Impala (my high school car) Cab Build