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Old 04-16-2022, 12:19 PM   #4
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Re: Dimmer Switch replacement-81-87

Originally Posted by 79vette View Post
I haven't been able to do this satisfactorily with the column bolted up, but maybe you have smaller hands than me...

I would pull the plastic trim piece under the gauge cluster, remove 2x bolts on each side of the column (9/16, or maybe 5/8 socket?), and carefully lower it down so the wheel rests on the seat. You might have to stack some stuff up on the seat to support the wheel; if you don't the weight of the unsupported column will put a lot of stress on the rubber gasket on the firewall.

There are 2 small screws, either 5/16 or 3/8 that hold the switch in place. You need to remove it and install the new one, and then adjust it along the long axis of the column until it clicks between positions when you pull the lever. Move it up or down as needed, then tighten the screws and test it by moving the dimmer lever. Once you get it adjusted, reinstall the column.
I agree with dropping the column to gain access.
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