Re: Backfire through carb among other issues
You can have Lean and Rich conditions at the same time...
Yes, backfire through the carb can be from a lean condition - especially since pulling the choke helps. Bogging down could be rich condition with throttle is closed...
Carbs have several circuits (or paths that the fuels travels within the carb) and each can give a lean or rich condition independently. Each circuit operates for specific conditions and can overlap. So, if you have a float set wrong causing a rich condition when throttle is closed and an accelerator pump not set correctly it could cause a lean condition when mashing down on the gas pedal.
Double check firing order and make sure distributor timing is correct to where the rotor is actually at the right spot inside the cap, pointing to the correct terminal at the correct time of spark.
You can set the engine by hand to 4-8 degrees BTDC on cyl 1, loosen the distributor, take the cap off, and see that the points are at the opening position (which causes the spark at the moment points open) and physically see the position of everything is in order. This is like setting the correct timing on a new engine before starting on new or rebuilt engine. Youtube vids may help? Point is, correct physical timing.
You may just be off a little bit somewhere with dwell, timing etc...
Once all that is fine, move on to carb and fine tuning last.