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Old 05-01-2022, 07:03 AM   #7
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Re: C20 5" Rear Lowering Coils Springs that ship to Canada?

Whatever the closest border crossing you is,will have border brokers. It shouldn't be hard to find one that offers that freight forwarding service,then once your parts are on the CDN side,they just use a local courier to get it to you.the other option is,send the parts to a friend on the US side,then they can mail them or UPS them to you.i am fortunate to have a couple great friends in the States who do that for me,thanks Dan,Jeff.using a broker at the border,is in fact,how I got my truck home.i couldn't go get it,shipped it to Calais, Maine.the broker at the border did the paper work and got it to the CDN side.then home from there was a piece of cake.always a way.take care.
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