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Old 05-04-2022, 07:59 PM   #17
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Re: Advice needed pls. Setting engine/trans

I see in a previous pic, post 2, that you have a tubular cross member under the engine with the mounts attached to that. if that is movable, without the fear of the solid axle crushing things when the truck goes over a bump, maybe drop the engine enough to have clearance for the trans on the firewall/floor transition area. keep an eye on the engine angle so you can get the angle you need. a lot of guys use the 2-3 deg down at the rear angle, especially if you have a carbed engine (maybe stick a level on the carb mount area of the intake manifold with the truck sitting on it's wheels at ride height etc), so the carb stays level at ride height. mock it up and see how it looks. otherwise maybe a different set of engine mounts is possible instead of the tube under the engine type or maybe the tube could be modified so it doesn't hang so low? it does make a decent oil pan protector.....
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