Originally Posted by leegreen
I was going to ask about the gasket surface around the carb! The entire carb must be enclosed in a boost pressurized blow through plenum.
pressure regulating fuel filter sediment traps are readily available, but yours must also be boost compensating. Without compensating for boost the pump may over come the float needle at low boost and flood the engine.
The sediment trap glass bowl, seal and filter are pretty standard and usually sold by diameter. FilterKing is one common brand.
If the filter you have is a wire mesh, just clean and re-use. All you need is a new gasket
You are correct that there is a sealed enclosure around the carb, here is a photo of the supercharged on the left, chrome pipe feeding air to the sealed plenum covering the Stromberg two barrel carb. If you look on the right below the carb enclosure, you can see the top of this fuel filter/pressure gauge/regulator.